
Darsana Bangalore Chapter has 115 members. A large part of the chapter members are employed in the IT. A few of the initiatives that the Bangalore chapter has undertaken are:


Members from the Bangalore chapter played a key role in ensuring the success of IGNITE 2023. Actively involved 2024 program.


Darsana Fund collection: Bangalore chapter members contributed towards Darsana Fund. Fund collection for the current year is ongoing, and chapter members are actively contributing.


BCES (Biju Cherian Endowment Scholarship) Program: Bangalore Chapter supports the back-end activities for the selection of candidates. Activities supported include application form management, shortlisting, interview scheduling, etc.


Support To Society: With the objective of supporting the community we are in, a School at Kolar Gold Fields that requires our intervention was visited by Com. Arunan, Vineeth VS and Sathian in June 2022. This School has Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary classes. The students are from poor backgrounds. They are the children of daily wagers of the area. The school is supported by the CPM for its operation. The number of teachers is less than the number of the classes/divisions. The salary for the teachers is very low and is not paid regularly. There is no support up to 7th standard from the government, and the school is managed with the meagre fees of Rs.200/ month received from students. Bangalore chapter started the support for the school in Nov-2022. Initially, we set up a library and sports equipment for the children. Major support provided on an ongoing basis is the salary for two teachers (12000/-), textbooks and notebooks for students during the start of the academic year, awards to students for sports and arts competitions, etc. Our team provides guidance on improving the quality of teaching as well. Also, with support from the US chapter, we are providing egg supplements to all primary school children. We have conducted three visits during the year to discuss the progress, conduct workshops and attend the award Ceremony.

For more information, read


Darsana Website: The Bangalore chapter maintains the updates of the Darsana website.


Chapter Members meet: Chapter members met in November 2024 near Indiranagar. 15 people, including family members, joined. New year catch was organized at Cubbon Park and coffee at Koshy’s…14 members joined.


Political Activism: Our members participate in major events conducted by the Bangalore secular forum. In the past, we have organized programs like anti-CAA protest seminars etc.


Programs conducted in the previous years

Fun Events: 

Chess Tournament conducted in Jul- 2023: More than 40 Darsana members and family participated. Babu George (1989 batch) won the 1st prize. Fahad (son of Latheef 1991) secured second place, and Sooryakiran (2021 batch) secured third place.

Euro Cup prediction Contest: The prediction contest winners were: Deego and Sathian.

Caption Contest: “AdikkurippuMalsaram” was conducted among chapter members on 17th November 2021. The Winners were Asif Ramthan and Biju K.

Com. Vineeth PS and Com. Jeeson organised the contest.

Film-Based Fun Quiz: A filmi fun quiz, “70 MM Cinema Pranth Quiz'' was Organized for the whole Darsana family. There was an encouraging response to the program. It was hosted by Sindhu P R and organized with the support of Comrades Vineeth P S and Jeeson. The Winners were Kiran (Palakkad Chapter 2009), Sudhish( Bangalore Chapter – 2002), Deego ( Bangalore Chapter – 2010)

Darsana Job Portal: The main objective of the portal is to help Darsana members to find a job or to move to better roles and jobs. The portal provides a single platform to pool all the job requirements known to Darsana members across the globe. Com. Krishnakumar inaugurated the job portal on 8th January 2022. It was well received initially, and our members have put up several job openings. Gradually, the use of the portal showed a downtrend. In the coming year, we must brainstorm and take corrective actions to re-energise the platform. The job portal was designed and realized under the leadership of Com. Ajith Prasad, Com. Jose Varghese and Com. Arjun K P

Career Explorer Talk: An online expert panel discussion was conducted to guide engineering students in choosing their career paths after completing their Degrees. This was open to all Engineering students across Kerala. It was planned as a series of sessions to cover all the engineering branches. The first in this series, “Career Paths in IT”, was conducted on 22 Jan 2022. The Panelists were Com. Mukundan Annamalai, Com. ArunanThayyil and Com. Dinesh I. The other sessions planned in the series were put on hold as the student crowd's participation was not as high as expected. An analysis following the first session indicated that student communities, in general, are not giving priority to such webinars.

Com. Mukundan Annamalai conducted two talks with the students on the NSSCE campus. The students received these talks well.


The talks were: “Future of Information Technology” on 27th Oct 2021 and “A Typical Day in a Large IT Organization” on 26th Nov 2021

Recent Activities

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June 13, 2024

UAE Sangamam 2024 and GBM

The 10th Darsana UAE Sangamam was held on 2nd June 2024 at the Fortune Plaza Hotel in Al Qusais, Dubai. The event spanned a full day, with a morning session open to all attendees. Dr. Suresh Kumar MG

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February 01, 2023

Kolar Gold Fields (KGF)

On behalf of the Bangalore chapter, happy to share that the first milestone of our support program to Mysore Mines School, Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) was achieved on 17 Dec 2022. The school is organi

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